Sunday, February 28, 2010

黄子华 Dayo Wong

i like him so so so much now ..
during my study period( for my mid term )
and i really sick of it being study all the time..
i open the Cds of him and watch ..
and he make my day Different ..LOL
he is such a good comedian ..always can make people laugh for it

Last celebration of CNY with Buddies

My buddies forever

kah Hao playing piano ..

Choong hwa..i like him when he doing house works..LOL

Miss my high school when the time we can always see each others.
miss the time when we study , outing and play mafia together >.<
Miss the time when we always talk in class , when teachers are not around ..
Although now , we are in different colleges but ours relationship is still here ..
The last celebration held on Choong hwa house( the prince 's house )
thanks for him prepare all the dinner for us lo ..haha
and thanks for the invite too ..
and gland that this time Jojo and join us ..
lucky she recover from illness and finish her work too
without her , the family not so perfect ..
this time got many people nt able to make it ..
but never mind ,
we can still hang out for each months birthday babies..LOL
talk about Friends relationship ..
i just don't know why that that sometimes ,
some people just like to act rich in front of their friends

What For wanna act This ???
if they really treat u as friend
they will not looks as in ..
u rich anot , yr family background , or what types of car u driving ..
u really group that gang of Friends ..
that U should leave that Gang oF Brainless friends...
i feel myself so lucky ...
did not have that kind of Brainless friends...LOL
Wish ours friendship 4ever...
included: hui yee , jojo , mei yee, wei kwan , han cheng , si wah , choong hwa , kee chun, kah hao ,kelvin , joe ee.....

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Help Annual Dinner

Lady Marmalade( su yeun , me , hollie and kim )

hmm, so shy ..LOL
3 pretty girls..
picture with Miss wiNne ( my Critical thinking teacher )
she is one of my favorite foundation lecturers..
thanks to her being my CTS lecturer

My finite math and calculus lecturer

Mr Joel Charls..

he is such a polite and good math teacher

Dance Club President -JOvita bautrista

i like this the most ...

Group Picture of Dance Club

Although i did a bad performance that night ..but thanks to them

(still saying i did well)

but i knwo what is my mistakes(becuase not enough practice )

i have learn the lesson ....

next time this mistake i will not did it again , but i enjoyed a lot of that night .

and what ..the things just make my day not perfect is -------

i did not take picture with my accounting management lecturer--- Steven Toh

he is such a good , nice , smart and "handsome" lecturer..LOL

Thursday, February 25, 2010

CNy gonna end soon, but my exam coming soon

CNy gonna end soon more ang pow giving from my relative and parents parents..
but thanks for my gang of friends ..thanks for yrs concern on me
i know myself sometime go to practice dance and need a lot practice on it ,
but i knwo how to manage my time well dont need worry about my study ..
( i sure will Study hard hard want )
and i feel touch when my my this gang of friends asking about how is my study now??
because most of the people will sure said ..she always do this and that ..exam she sure fail want la..
and is it not asking me whether am i need help anot ?
never mind this lesson teach me how to differentiate who i can trust .
After CNy , the first day morning of 1 march 2010 is my marketing exam and later on are QBM and Business Law..
after the week later my Acc103 Quiz..haiz
need study very very hard because i wish i can get better in this 4 subjects.
But after that i might be going Malacca again ..
yeah i like that place so so so much
got my favorite food there ( chicken Rice , ABC...)
and a nice place to shop also ( Earing , clothes..)
cannot wait for that day dee...
wish i can faster finish my year 1 then i can have a nice holidays travel with my friends dee.LOl

Monday, February 22, 2010

New year Outting

actually we order a 5 plate of food but i just took few pictures only ..( becuase busy eatting ) LOL

Although not many people join the dinner session ,but i enjoy the day we hang out At han cCheng 's house ...
Because there is my first time playing Poker ..LOL
and i like it now lo ....
and thank for Kelvin was teaching hui yee and i all the time when he was playing the game ..Thanks u ya
and this time is the first time JOJO did not join us for the gathering ..( because she sick dee)
but never mind she will recover soon ..Yeah
After the dinner time , we went to Tropicana city mall watch 'Here come fortune "
is a comedy and new year movie
and what
just lucky we can borough the tickets and we have a nice seat also ..
And the movie is not bad also .....
and the MOvie times , we went to alsafa to have a drink and have a time for us to chat around .
I like the chit chart part with my friends because we can talk a lot , and i like the moment also ..

Friday, February 19, 2010

Chor 6 ( Uncle William 's open house )

hmm, Yeah
today William and Luisa dance world open day "as know as huai kong "
today morning when to there and help anuty Luisa with the yee Shung things ..
(haha Both of us also don't knwo how to put the things according to the traditional colour )
so we just simply put it as long as make it nicer can dee lo ..haha
At night i go Uncle William house for his's CNY ..
and i have enjoyed much at there
i sat there 2 hours
and what
i Lose 1 bucks ...(wasting time ) arhhh
but at the beginning i won many times ..
and lucky in the middle time , i stop playing and went to eat somethings ..
and others are still playing there
until the end of the games, many of them lose money ..(they lose are more than 20 bucks ) ..
Arhh ...
my HOlidays gonna end soon ..wish i can enjoys the few more days left ..
once i start college that have many many things waiting for me to do dee..arhh (die )
never mind , i will try to manage my time well to face to situation ..LOL
(sound i like really busy le)..But is true ..
After my mid term i should be more free..
so hope my mid term faster come ..then i can enjoys again lo ..haha

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friends new year Outting

the person who wearing red( as knwo as MR Pig ) lol ..he won around 50 bucks ..
he damm lucky lo
at Marie's house

dinner time at kepong

First time my college buddies visited my house today and we have a lot of nice , fun time together during this Chinese New year ..
Although we not in a BIg gang together ., but we share a lot of happiness together
and today i met some new friends also ...( all are jack and Seng Hai s' friends )
and what today whole day i lose around 12 ++ but below 20 ..arhh ( sad case for this )

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chor 3

I enjoyed my BIrthday in Chor 3(thank my mom born me on that day ) LOL
because every relatives remember that day i born and i got EXTRA angpow.LOL
and now i start thinking that Jit Fatt word is right ..( No one u can 100 % trust in )
included yr Close friends , family ...
that is so so so so sad ..
in this world ..
u cannot trust anyone ,u just can trust yourself ???
and sometime when u wanna said out something that release your stress , sadness also cannot ?
and yesterday night i was thinking that ,
If i have a little fairy (which is good and nice )
My fairy always be my good listener and wont said it out to other people
If i got any problems ..
My Fairy will help me and solve together ..(that is so so so good)
when i fail , or i on blue mood
my fairy will sing songs , tell joke or act stupid in front of me and turn my mood to sunny mood again .
really wish to HAve ONE

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My tarot results

1. 2010年上半年感情运如何



  也许你刚结束一段恋情,现在非常痛苦,或者不小心介入他人的婚姻、或另一半劈腿,不论是什么情况,你都有种痛不欲生的感觉。今年的上半年,你的 感情考验着你的理性与智慧。心痛似乎是很难避免的,夜半哭泣的你,一直怀疑着是不是自己不够好?别忘了,凡事都有征兆,只是你想不想去看到。慧剑斩情丝是 你今年应该要学习的课题。

2. 2010年我能找到好对象吗



  你想到了谁还会心痛?想到了谁还会有割舍不下的感觉?这一个人目前 还在你身边吗?还是早就离你远远的?你今年想要找到对象,你必须要把 心的位置空出来给别人,否则你很难接受别人对你的感情,你也很难真心的付出。如果 你仍深爱的那一个人,已经不可能在一起了,请你在心里祝福 他并向他说再见,才能迎接下一段爱情啰。

3. Ta说的话我能相信几分呢

4、力量 逆


  你选择这张塔罗牌暗示,对于身边的情人或是先生,虽然是一个个性平凡单调的人,但是本质上还不错,并不是一个会作恶多端的坏人。虽然他偶尔会迟 到、发脾气、或是吵架的时候会找借口、翻旧帐,但是他却不会骗人。说实在的情人有时候还满怕你,他怕你生气、怕你不高兴、怕你对他碎碎念,只要你愿意多给 他一些耐心和机会改进,相信你们未来的相处模式会很和谐愉快的。给你的忠告是“虽然情人偶尔行为会怪怪的,让你不能认同,但是他的本质还算OK”。



  他喜欢你的指数是100分隐者牌在测其它占卜的时候,不一定是一个好牌,它是一个低调牌,再测对方喜不喜欢你 时,代表那个人默默暗恋着你,不管你发生风风雨雨、生老病死,他都在旁边守着你,而且隐者有一种智慧的象征,所以当你心情不好,找他聊聊,说不定会得到一 些智能的开释!

选A的朋友,这是一张“太阳牌”:(B) but this not anymore

  他喜欢你的指数是80分太阳象征一种父权,代表的是一种很无私的爱,所以他对你的爱是不用回报的,代表你的另外一半喜欢照顾你,他不是要 你的钱、身体,他就是很单纯喜欢你~很不错喔!

Monday, February 15, 2010

2010 Aquarius


Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)
Aquarius yearly horoscopes 2010

An Aquarian has two sides to his or her personality. He or she could be extremely shy, withdrawn, passive and sensitive. He or she could also be extremely dynamic, active and extrovert. Whatever the case, he or she is very attractive, magnetic and pleasing to their friends and colleagues. In spite of two different personalities, a typical Aquarian may be extremely powerful and demanding in his or her ways. Both of them possess a deep sense of conviction to their mind and goals. They also have very strong beliefs in their abilities to achieve the most impossible things in life. Aquarians always demand complete honesty and truth from their friends and colleagues. They can probe a person’s mind to know if the person is telling truth or not. All Aquarians are capable of seeking truth from any adverse situations and they can extract truth from a number of sources available around.

The 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope is full of unexpected surprise and events. The New Year is very benevolent enough for them to show their skills and abilities. They will also be able to achieve quite a lot of things that were not possible in the previous year. All Aquarians will be in an advantageous position that allows them to work hard towards their career and financial goals. People to people relationship will improve, while the family related issues will not see any major problems.

Aquarius in 2010

Aquarius 2010 Career and Income Horoscope

Career people will have rollicking time during most parts of the year. That is what the 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope predicts in honest terms! The first quarter is a great period, when most Aquarians will taste success. In fact, they may start the New Year with a big bang, possibly with a long awaited promotion or even a pay hike. Repeated success and workplace peace are two biggest benefits for Aquarians. Sudden gains are in the air for those Aquarians who are in business. However, the second quarter may indicate some sort of problems in the workplace, especially in the personal relationship with coworkers. However, their personal relationship skills will help them solve any problems within no time. Some Aquarians may change their jobs and homes in search for better positions. They may face some unexpected expenses beyond their income.

Traveling to other countries is a distinct possibility for career Aquarians. The second half of the year is beneficial in a number of aspects. They will show their abilities as a very good office worker or as an innovative entrepreneur. The New Year 2010 Aquarius horoscope will see these people solve all pending problems with a sense of purpose and determination. The last month of the year may see some unexpected problems related to relocation to a new place. This may take some time to solve the problem, as the situation will be fresh and new.

Aquarius 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

The 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope is satisfactory for most Aquarians. Relationship between people will be good, while the personal equation between spouse and lovers will be very pleasing and devoid of any problems. Material comfort, peace and relaxation are three import bywords for most Aquarians. Social life will be normal with coworkers and superiors, although minor problems may appear during the fag end of the year. The end of the year may signify some sort of problems between spouses because of the relocation-related financial problems. Unmarried couples may hope to tie their knots especially in the last quarter of the year. In essence, the whole New Year could be devoid of any major problems.

Aquarius 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope

The 2010 Aquarius yearly horoscope may not be too good for students, scholars, teachers, scholars and academicians. They may need to work hard throughout the year to get to the position of their choice and dreams. Overseas travelling is a big possibility for scholars. However, the second and the last quarter of the year will provide some of the best opportunities for Aquarians to show their abilities and mettle. Some Aquarians may have trouble in store during the last quarter of the year especially with their research work. Students may not face any problems in the middle parts of the year.

Aquarius 2010 Health Horoscope

The 2010 yearly Aquarius horoscope will provide an opportunity to solve all health related problems. The entire year will be smooth one about general health status, while the last quarter may show bit of instability in the general health status. People belonging to this sign may need to be careful about their health, especially most common ailments like flu and stomach problems.

chor 2 ( second day of Chinese new year )

Arhh, i feel lazy to do my marketing assignment now ...(but after CNY i no time to do also )
because right after 1 week of Chinese new year is my Mid term test ..arhh
then i need to practice for dance for the performance in my college b4 my mid term ..arhh
so i better do during CNY .
but now the problem is i NO mood to do le..
lazy dee
but i enjoyed today (chor 2)
go to my mom side relative (start gambling with my cousins)
after that go to my dad 's brother house (chit chat with my cousin)
wah ...i like today compare to yesterday ..LOL

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New year part 1 outting

3 pretty Girls ..LOL( hoille , me and melanie )
jit Fatt be the camera man ..LOL
After visited some of my dad's side relative ...( and not taking any picture ..because always taking care my grandma in my relative house )
hmm is so so so boring there ..although got Ang pao ..sian
but after when i reach home ..
that i really feel my house is so so comfortable( Because tried visit people house)
after that i receive a called from MIcheal MOk ..he ask me out for a movie with some of my friends..( Hollie , Melanie and Jit Fatt )
and i told Jit fatt b4 that chor 1 at night i will be free we just plan to hang out
but end up
the Micheal Mok did not come
reason is: he don't want watch the movie we plan to watch ..
But end up we also did not watch any movies because all movies tickets was sold OUT ..
so end up ..Jit fatt , Melanie and i just go Little Taiwan to have a drink and chit chat at there only
and i like the topic we chat ....
will find one more day to talk about this again ah ..JIt fatt and Melanie
Although today is Valentine 's day ..
but 3 of us enjoy being single ...
the reason for me is
because i no time to have a relationship (currently )HAha

My present Gifts again ..part 2 LOL

wei kwan give me many presents le..haha
thanks to her ah

Kah Ling sister ..
she know i like this ..LOL
thanks to her ah

Huan ting and melanie want i haven uploads ..will uploads soon also
once again ..
thanks yaaaaaa..