Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beat Brain Drain

Finals exam is coming again ...

THis time everyone must study harder for it (becuase is the last semester for year 1)

(inclduing Business Department sem 3 students and UOL students, and foundation sem 3 students)

note here are some advise if how to reduce and protect your brain function , and it can help u lead a more brain -friendly lifestyle

first we talk about the the Memory Stearlers:

  1. Weight Gain -Fat cells produce harmful chemicals , which appear to couse inflammation through the blood vessels of the entire body , including yr brain stay a healthy lifestyle and eat according ..don't over meals...

  2. Stop Panicking -stress causes a release of an adrenal hormone called cortisol ,which damages the dendrites (the tittle branches which connect to brain nervous ),making them smaller.

  3. Vitamin D deficiency - Sunshine helps your brain produce serotonin and melatonin, which improve mood and sleep .in additional , research involving the university of Cambridge and Michigan ,has now linked low vitamin D levels to dementia and fuzzy thinking .Aim for 10 minutes exposure to sun during the morning to avoid sunburn.

  4. Alcohol and Cigarettes- Avoid it

Now go to Memory savers:
  • Exercise - Staying active in any way .exercise promotes greater elasticity in the synapses of the brain .Aerobic exercises such as walking , cycling , swimming or jogging is particularly good for boosting circulation .(and i choose dance >.<)
  • Slow breathing - slowing yr breathing to 10 or less breaths per minute can help reduce anxiety , improve concentration and lower blood pressure , which in turn improves blood flow to yr brain .
  • Healthy oils- Regularly tucking in to slamon or sashimi may reduce yrs risk of developing dementia later by around 60 percent .therefore , eat more fish ,nuts ,pumpik seeds and walnuts .
hope above little is useful to u all ..
and start study hard lo !!!!!!