Saturday, July 18, 2009


arhh, wish my mid-term faster come and end faster ...(because i very sian now dee)

hmm, today luckily got Melanie , she accompany whole day for doing accounts..(haha, thx melanie lo )
but ,also i catch up things fast , so after that we can have lunch and dinner together..
And thanks her for fetching me go studio too, and HUAN TING fetch me back to melanie house..haha
At studio , since ROyce went to Hong Kong joining competition so today Auntie Merle teaching...
She told me alots things in my last 2 weeks competition...her comments to me is..........WELL DONE
YEah ...another good comments...Thx for u being my partner lo (JIE CONG )
after that , she also said alots things for the coming BIG competition in PEnang, she said if want to join, and got a partner dee must start practice on august ...(she ask many people to join that competition too, not only me)
Hmm, for me i think i will join the competition geh...haha

Still thinkng ........

However...everythings think after my MId-Term
Currently now i working hard on my midterm
AFter mid Term i can enjoy for 3 days ...haha(aftermid-term many assignment )